Build webpages locally with jekyll

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When using a fresh ubuntu installation I did not have any problem with ruby/bundle/jekyll versions. Following the instructions here should work.The previous time I had to tried different versions and had to modify the ruby version in the Gemfile.lock file to make it work.

  1. sudo apt-get install ruby-full build-essentail zlib1g-dev
  2. echo '# Install Ruby Gems to ~/gems' >> ~/.bashrc
    echo 'export GEM_HOME="$HOME/gems"' >> ~/.bashrc
    echo 'export PATH="$HOME/gems/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc
    source ~/.bashrc

    This code sets the installation folder of gems. I modified it to $HOME/Utilites/gems and since now the .bashrc is in the dotfiles it does not need to be added if we use a new machine.

  3. gem install jekyll bundler
  4. At this point, executing jekyll would throw an error. Since we already have a Gemfile in the repo we do bundle update to update gem versions (or bundle install to install dependencies from Gemfile). You may also need to do what the warning message says when running jekyll about using the same bundler version than the lockfile.
  5. To generate the html pages do bundle exec jekyll serve and open link from terminal or refresh it in the web browser.

Publish webpage on github pages

  1. First we commit the changes to the master branch in the repo.
  2. To make the changes available in editor run the alias topreview which add the changes to a “preview” branch that is used by Stackbit.
  3. To actually deploy the changes to github pages run the function deploy followed by the commit message. This will enter in _site which contains the static html pages and will push to the gh-pages branch. _site is itself a git repo, where github pages runs jekyll.

To do everything in one command use the function deploy-all. It will ask for the commit message and use the same for the root repo (step 1) and the _site repo (step 3).

First time setup. The setup procedure is kindly explained by Scripted Tea. A basic requirement is that to host the webpage you need to create a repo whose name is Then in Settings->Pages you can set the branch you want to host, in our case gh-pages which contains the html pages.

Warning: it takes some time to propagate the changes to the page since githubpages needs to build the site. Refresh browser with Ctrl+Shift+R.

Tips and tricks for the frontend