
Cecilio García Quirós

Ph.D. in Gravitational Waves Astronomy


  • Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Balearic Islands
  • LIGO Scientific Collaboration & LISA Consortium
  • Ph.D. Student, University of Balearic Islands

Waveform Phenomenology
Parameter Estimation
Code Developer
Data Detective

Recent Publications

Phenomenological time domain model for dominant quadrupole gravitational wave signal of coalescing binary black holesn

In this work we present IMRPhenomT, a time domain phenomenological model for the dominant (l=2, |m|=2) modes of coalescing black hole binary systems and its precessing extension IMRPhenomTP to describe general precessing systems within the "twisting-up" approximation.

Computationally efficient models for the dominant and subdominant harmonic modes of precessing binary black holes

We present IMRPhenomXPHM, a phenomenological frequency-domain model for the gravitational-wave signal emitted by quasicircular precessing binary black holes, which incorporates multipoles beyond the dominant quadrupole in the precessing frame.

G. Pratten, C. García-Quirós, M. Colleoni, A. Ramos-Buades, H. Estellés, M. Mateu-Lucena, R. Jaume, M. Haney, D. Keitel, J. E.Thompson, and S. Husa

Phys. Rev. D 103, 104056 arXiv:2004.06503

A detailed analysis of GW190521 with phenomenological waveform models

In this paper we present an extensive analysis of the GW190521 gravitational wave event with the current (fourth) generation of phenomenological waveform models for binary black hole coalescences. GW190521 stands out from other events since only a few wave cycles are observable.

H. Estellés, S. Husa, M. Colleoni, M. Mateu-Lucena, M. de Lluc Planas, C. García-Quirós, D. Keitel, A. Ramos-Buades, A. K. Mehta, A.Buonanno, S. Ossokine


Adding harmonics to the interpretation of the black hole mergers of GWTC-1

We consider the ten confidently detected gravitational wave signals in the GWTC-1 catalog which are consistent with mergers of binary black hole systems, and re-analyze them with waveform models that contain subdominant spherical harmonic modes. This analysis is based on the current (fourth) generation of the IMRPhenom family of phenomenological waveform models, which consists of the IMRPhenomX frequency-domain models and the IMRPhenomT time-domain models.

M. Mateu-Lucena, S. Husa, M. Colleoni, H. Estellés, C. García-Quirós, David Keitel, M. de Lluc Planas, A. Ramos-Buades


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C. García-Quirós